Aiag apqp reference manual pdf

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C Parts not from production tooling, parts meet specs. Semiconductor Supplement Quality Planning - 4. Interim Part Classes A Parts from production tooling and meet specs, not all PPAP requirements have been met. The Macintosh version of Powerpoint handles.

It does not give specific instructions on how to arrive at each APQP or Control Plan entry, a task best left to each organization. III TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................................................ PFMEA and statistical data used to determine what additional controls necessary. Purpose of PPAP For the supplier to demonstrate: ° All design records and specification. Releasing the mouse on the From File… menu line item will bring up a file browser. Except for the Histogram animation, I have included a. The controls on the gif files do NOT work!!! ° Document control is unmanageable. However, existing control plans must cover receiving through shipment of materials, parts, components, and assemblies.

Device FMEA ° Process Control Plan Various places vs. No ofrece instrucciones específicas sobre cómo llegar a cada entrada del APQP ó Planes de Control, una tarea que mejor se deja a cada organización. B Parts from production tooling and require rework to meet specs.

MANUAL AIAG APQP 2.PDF - Releasing the mouse on the From File… menu line item will bring up a file browser.

NOTE: This is an old presentation so you may see QS-9000 mentioned in places in this web output. However, the APQP process has not substantially changed over the years. Work is checked for compatibility on a Compaq PC running Windows 98 and Office 2000. All are free downloads. There is a Quicktime Pro edition for sale, but you only need the free downloadable version. On the PeeCee platform they do not. The Macintosh version of Powerpoint handles. Except for the Histogram animation, I have included a. Any program which will play animated gif files will play these files. You can make the animations play in SlideShow mode in Powerpoint by first setting up the file links. Go to each presentation slide which contains an animation and delete the animation. Releasing the mouse on the From File… menu line item will bring up a file browser. Browse to and click on the appropriate. The animation will now play continuous looping in the SlideShow Mode. ß The controls on the files only work if you are viewing the Flash files!!! The controls on the gif files do NOT work!!! You also have to understand that when the APQP manual talks about a link via a process operation number on the control plan to the process number on the process flow diagram it may be that the control plan and the process flow diagram within your company is one and the same - a single, discrete document. This control is for this process step in the process flow which was evaluated for risk in this process FMEA line item. You will constantly be waiting for the next problem to surface! PPAP The End Product of APQP! Team Roles In A Team Several roles need to be established for the team. These roles are: Leader, Champion, Record Keeper Recorder , Participants and if needed Facilitator. Example Discussion Issues in the interpretation of QS 9000 and the Semiconductor Supplement: 1. Control Plans must address the flow of received materials and parts from receiving, through manufacturing and on to shipping and to warehouses. Impact of Flow Diagram being incorporated into the Control Plan, if any. The questions are: 1. What must be on a Control Plan content? What must be on an FMEA content? Every process that is on the Control Plan? ° Technology Control Plan Language used in FABs vs. Device FMEA ° Process Control Plan Various places vs. QUESTION: What must be on a Control Plan? ANSWER: Only the major processes are required on the control plan. Critical processes alone are not sufficient. ANSWER: Yes, both the Control Plan s and FMEA s are required. QUESTION: What must be on an FMEA? Every process that is on the Control Plan? ANSWER: Only the major processes are required on the FMEA. ANSWER: Yes, there should be a block on the Control Plan to indicate a transfer. ° Allows identification of Process Interaction Failure Modes. ° Opens communication between Device and Process Engineers. ° Document control is unmanageable. ° Diffuses ownership responsibilities. ° More difficult to identify critical processes. Example Discussion IIb RECOMMENDATIONS Based on this information the team made the following recommendations: ° As a minimum, Process FMEAs should be used. ° Device FMEAs should be used as tool to introduce new Platforms to manufacturing. CONCERNS FMEAs must be reviewed and updated as detailed below: ° Process Changes. ° Whenever the process produces significant line scrap as determined by each manufacturing site. ° Ensure that the FMEAs links with the Control Plans. Suppliers may not need a separate and distinct control plan for components such as wafers, gases, and chemicals. However, existing control plans must cover receiving through shipment of materials, parts, components, and assemblies. So in effect, supplier's control plans will include wafers, gases, and chemicals. The Semiconductor Supplement supports this! Our company document requires inclusion of all customer-identified special characteristics and company identified important characteristics. Other inspections and tests are optional in the control plans. The supplier should convene internal multi-disciplinary teams to prepare for production of new or changed products. These teams should use appropriate techniques identified in the Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan reference manual. Similar techniques that accomplish the intent are acceptable. Efforts shall be taken to improve the process to achieve defect prevention rather than defect detection. Certain customers have FMEA review and approval requirements that shall be met prior to production part approval see Section II. Refer to the Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis reference manual. Semiconductor Supplement Quality Planning - 4. S During the advanced quality planning processes, the supplier shall include all processes from the incoming material through shipping and warehousing Failure Mode and Effects Analysis and Control Plan documents shall include these processes. But - does it mean that all process shall be included in the FMEA and Control Plan? APQP Manual : 1995 6. This flow chart should identify the product characteristics associated with each operation. Who will receive reports? How are changes handled? What limits are there on authority, responsibility, and accountability? Beware of Turf Wars! These include characteristics identified by the shield, pentagon, and diamond. KCCs require ongoing monitoring per an approved Control Plan and should be considered as candidates for process improvement. All Special Characteristics must be listed on the Control Plan. Purpose of PPAP For the supplier to demonstrate: ° All design records and specification. ° Requirements are properly understood. ° The process has the capability to produce product that meets requirements. Additional controls included for proper duration or quantity. PFMEA and statistical data used to determine what additional controls necessary. Interim Part Classes A Parts from production tooling and meet specs, not all PPAP requirements have been met. B Parts from production tooling and require rework to meet specs. C Parts not from production tooling, parts meet specs. D Parts do not meet specs. E Parts do not meet specs and vehicles with class E parts require retrofit to make them saleable.

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